Sunday, February 19, 2017

Never Gonna Give Up Jamming to the '80s~!

Well, you see, my dad has been a huge influence to me music wise. Well, not it playing instruments or singing but in song selection. This, for the most part, includes the '80s.

That's right! The '80s is my jam! It doesn't matter what genre it is. As long as I find it good, I'll listen to it. I can't just fan freak out over just one genre, song, group, or person.

He also played songs from the '70s and '90s. Some even in the 2000s, but, for the majority, it's the '80s. Although, that whole spectrum of music I'm quite familiar with.

I mean, off the top of my head, I can name you five to eight songs from the '80s and three to five songs each from the '70s, '90s, and 2000s. However, some songs are more prominent than others. Like these songs. They're probably the ones I remember the most.

  1. Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
  2. Don't Stop Believin' - Journey
  3. Beat it - Michael Jackson
  4. Every Breath You Take - The Police
  5. Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
  6. Girls Just Want to Have Fun - Cindy Lauper
  7. When Doves Cry - Prince 
  8. Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley (Rickroll XD)
Argh! I want to name more, but I'm afraid that I'd go on rambling about the '80s. No matter how much I try, the '80s will forever be ingrained in my musical mind. Wah! Maybe I'll expand more on my knowledge on music. After all, I did say that my musical taste varies to a lot of different genres.




  1. As a girl of the 80s, your post made me ridiculously happy. Also, you have to share your meme with Stavros. He loves Rick.

  2. Rick Astley is also never going to be known for anything else except that song.

  3. I loved this post because I love 80s music. I think that it's great that your dad has influenced you with good music.
