It. Was. Awesome! The boat was all vshooom! It was also like vroom-vshoom! Can you tell that I was really excited?
I got so caught up in the moment, looking at the scenery and feeling the wind and sun on my face, that I didn't realize that we were already at our destination.
It was really pretty. The island, I mean. There was this huge rock wall in front of us, but it was shaped like a "U". The indent in the "U" was facing us, so in the center in between the walls was a sand area and chunks of dried up coral. I was actually more excited to go in the water instead. Cause, common, it's the ocean!
Meme Break!
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Huh... |
Hurriedly, I parkoured my way to the front of the boat to get off it using the tiny ladder (or staircase thing). My dad decided to jump off the side of the boat. I seriously don't know how he does it.
As I climbed down with the help of the guides, my sandal suddenly slipped off my foot and floated away from me. I quickly scrambled to get my slipper as the current was taking it farther and farther into the ocean. Luckily, I managed just in time, and I decided to hold my slippers instead of wearing them. As we set our supplies and things on one of the dried out coral formations I took that as an opportunity to use my new goggles that we bought in Manila. I quickly adjusted them so that I had enough time to go in the ocean. Hurriedly, I waded into the water, having my first taste of the ocean in years.
Meme Break!
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Hmm... |
...It was freaking salty. I thought I would be fine with it. I didn't think it would affect me that much. I guess that I didn't tighten my goggles enough since the water started to surround my eyes! It burned! If I thought it couldn't get any worse then I wished I thought differently.
My nose started to burn! Is that normal?!?! It burned even more than my eyes! Basically, I ended up flailing around for half the time because the salt was bothering me that much. My dad wasn't even fazed! You could say I was a little salty due to that.
After a while (a long, long while...) I got kind of used to it. The rest of the time I spent trying to find out if there were any fish. Guess what? There wasn't any. Although I did find a crab. *shivers*
That was about the time we had to leave in order to get to our next destination. We got back on our boat (you know how my dad entered the boat...) and waited patiently for our next stop. I heard the place had "white" sand.
Your vacation horror story intrigues me. However, I'm not sure if the words "Meme Break" are necessary. They kind of make the story and the memes less connected, if you see where I'm coming from. But, I mean, great writing as always. =D
ReplyDeleteThanks! It's great to know that you enjoy the posts! Thank you for the constructive criticism, also! I'll keep it in mind for any future writing.